
TODAY, heart disease is STILL the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. But it can be prevented. TODAY, Make It Your Mission to learn how to stop this killer, and then tell 5 women you love you want them to live. TODAY, you can help us stop heart disease in our lifetime.

Join Us & Get Directions

May 9, 2013
9 am - 1:30 pm
The Duke Energy Convention Center
525 Elm St
Cincinnati, OH  45202

Keynote Speaker

MacKenzie Ryan and Tom Ryan
American Heart Association Volunteers


Breakout Sessions

Get inspired. Get informed. Join health and fitness experts, medical professionals, and women like you to hear the concrete steps you can take today for better heart health.

10 am - 10:45 am
Educational Sesson A (Junior Ballroom D)
Financial Fitness for the Heart
Sponsored by:  Citi Bank

11 am - 11:45 am
Educational Session B (Junior Ballroom C)
Innovations of the Heart
From Leading Edge Research to Heart Healthy Cooking
Sponsored by:  The Christ Hospital Health Network
Dean Kereiakes, MD
Medical Director, The Christ Hospital Heart and Vascular Center/Lindner Research Center
Cooking Demonstration:
Chef Rick Zumwalde, The Christ Hospital Health Network


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Macys sponsors Go RedMerck sponsors Go Red

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